Weekend with Friends at WallStreet

 Yesterday (12/02/2022) i went to WSE kokas. I went there with my friend, because my friend is joining the class for trial class. Also my friend had a friend who also learning in wall street, and he also bring a friend so in total there were four of us. And, i also make an appointment with two of my friend, so there were 6 of us, actually there were 8. But 2 of us dont join wse, they waited outside. The class started at 4pm but i needed to went to the center at 3pm because i had a encounter class, and i also borrow wall street computer because i didn’t bring my earphone. After that, my friends waited for me outside the computer room. After i finished my encounter class , i joined the class but sadly we were separated. The class is discussion hour. It was totally fun. First we talk about things that, and gave our own opinion and then after aroun 30 minutes we were spilted again to a new group. I am group 2. We discuss about what if we were stuck on an island, because our boat is singkin. What should we bring. And there was a paper of things that we could bring, one person only can bring one thing. I am in a group of four and all of us had different opinion. It was fun but also kinda meeh because we all have different opinion. And then we were send back to our old team. Then we told them what our previous team pick. And then we had a little debate because again different opinion. But verall it was dun. After the class, we sit together in two table and talked to each other about life, work, and other things use english. After around 30 minutes, i decided to go out and spend the rest of the time there with my friend. It was a fun weekend.


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