Holiday to WSE Dago Day 2

 So, basically my family and i went to Bandung without any special purose or even a plan where to go. The one and only thing that was plan is going to Wall Street English Dago every night. Actually our trip supposed to be 3 days 1 night but sadly my dad had to work. I was so sad when i knew that yesterday was my first and my last day joined wse in this trip. So i talked to my father, about going home at night. So, after i went to wall street then we will go home. And my dad agreed to drop me at wse first than go home. So, after a day strolling around city Bandung, trying all kind of food. We also went to our favourite restaurant there. I also went to Braga, i never went there before, and there were lots of young people there. After that, we visited one of my family there, in their cafe. And i went to wall street by online motorcycle. It was an amazing experience because i never use motor in bandung before. Especially bandung is quite cool so it was super great experience hehe. I arrived there 15 minutes before the class, i sit and had a chit chat with some of the other member. After that, the same teacher as yesterday came and we talked about virus aka covid. Things that happened when covid. We all have a great talk, but before that we played a word game, and it was fun to make us think about vocab. So basically  the game is, there will be a word, and the other person have to continue to a new word but begin with the last alphabet that the person before use said.  There was a lot of thing that we talk about covid especially job, family, friends and other. After the class, my family pick me up by car and we went straight back to Jakarta.


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