Holiday to WSE Dago DAY 1

 So, last month i wnt on a trip for 2 days pne night. I went to Bandung with my family. It was an unplanned vacation. We arrived there in the morning around 8am. First, we went to ITB and then we went to one of the restaurant to have lunch. It was beautiful, the sightview was amazing, we could see the whole s=city from the restaurant. When we ate, my mom asked where is wal; street at Bandung. I said it was on Dago. And my mom asked :Do you want to go to WSE?” and i said “Sure, i would love too” so, we bought a hotel room at Dago so we could walk to WSE Dago. We spend a great day, and we also went to BIP because my dad said it was the mall where he spend his collage life at. After we went there, we rush walked to wall street. It only took 15 minutes by walking from my hotel. It was a Social Club. When i arried there, one of the compass greeted me and showed me or gave me a quick tour about wse dago. There is a lot different than wse in jakarta. First, it was a building not like in jakarta where the wse is in the mall. Second, there’s lots of room and a little open space. But, it was really nice because there were only one center, so mostly they knew each other. The class was fun, And it was quite a lot of per son that come, than in wse jakarta. we talked about the past and the future. I got paired with someone who is also from Jakarta hahaha. We talked a lot, from happy moment to sad moment. And we also talked out side the topic that was given.It was an amazing day!!


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