xmas greeting card

 christmas greetings—

hello people, as we all know this month some people are going to celebrate chrismast! yeay! but, unfortuneately i am not one of the people who will celebrate chrismast. But that dosen't mean i can't join things that related to chrismast. Last saturday, i went to Wall Street English Kota Kasablanka and joined a workshop called 'Christmast Greetings Card' . It started at 15.00 West Indonesia Time. As soon it is start, Dm (cencored) opened the class by some question. Like "Do people still send christmas greeting card?" and most of them answerd "No" and then we talk about "What do people send except greetings card?" and also we watched a video about christmast greeting cards history! and then, we watched about type of chrsitmast cards. all kf us choose a chrismast tree card as one of the best because by just looking at it, people will know that it was chrismast card! 15.20 we started to made our own card. We got all of our supplies (wse already provide the material that we need) and we start browseing the internet to searched some inspiration. Mine is a chrismast tree (infront and inside the card). First, i took a paper then fold it into two. After that, i draw some elements that is very christmas like santa, mistletoe, snow, santa hat, and some leaves. And then, i start with the inside decoration. I took a leaf and made a christmas tree using a glue gun. And then, decorate it with preety little balls and some ornaments. And at the other side i wrote ‘From : My Name. Merry Christmas’. I didn’t decorate the back part because i think it would be not that good so i leave it white. Then, at the end of the class the teacher will collect our card and show it to the class. We gave a clap for every card that the teacher shows us. And the, the class is over so we all went home. Oh, and i met a new friend tooo. 


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